Advanced Analytics | Custom Analytics + Software Solutions
Spark New Zealand is New Zealand’s largest digital services company delivering mobile, fixed and IT products and services to millions of New Zealand consumers and businesses.
Spark runs a sophisticated Lifecycle Management Programme to ensure their network operates efficiently and delivers the highest quality customer experience. Early on, Spark recognised that this Programme needed a single source of unique and trusted information, for related asset investment decisions and engaged Harmonic specifically to address these challenges.
Partnering with the University of Auckland, Harmonic used advanced analytics (including statistical and operations techniques) and R, to develop an innovative asset lifecycle management solution.
Statistical techniques were applied to historical data to predict repair volumes and allowed for scenario planning. Monthly reports were able to be generated, based on predictive modelling, that provided a status update on spare holdings and purchase recommendations. Based on demand trends and historical failure rate Harmonic was able to forecast equipment requirements.
The Asset Lifecycle Management Solution delivered substantial benefits within months of delivery. It has been a key operational tool for Spark, providing monthly information updates to support spares management, failure analysis, disaster recovery and lifecycle planning for many years.
“Harmonic brought world-class skills to bear to build a dynamic model to predict when or if spares would run out. The model was so successful, that with improvements, it now directly updates our spares inventory systems. The Harmonic model goes a long way to reduce risk to our voice service provision.”
— David Hannah, Programme Manager, Legacy Lifecycle Programme
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