Case Studies

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Powerful Asset Management Solution for Spark

Advanced Analytics Custom Analytics + Software Solutions

Analytics can help asset-intensive companies, like large digital services companies, extend the life of their assets and optimise their operations. With the right mix of analytics, companies can gain insights into the health and asset failure risk to help make informed, risk and return based decisions.

Spark runs a sophisticated Lifecycle Management Programme to ensure their network operates efficiently and delivers the highest quality customer experience. Early on, Spark recognised that …

Crash Analytics to help reduce the National Road Toll

Advanced Analytics Custom Analytics + Software Solutions Data Visualisation + Reporting Solutions

Leveraging data with machine learning and analytics can help make a real difference in understanding and addressing various global or local social problems, including the New Zealand road toll.

A large Crown Entity wanted to gain insights into the root causes behind high death and serious incidents (DSI) rates occurring in a specific region …

Machine Learning and analytics provide valuable insight for Beef and Lamb New Zealand

Advanced Analytics Custom Analytics + Software Solutions

Knowing how to apply the right machine learning algorithms to a specific business challenge takes a lot of skill and experience - and our team at Harmonic have both in spades. In this case study, we see how applying the right mix of machine learning algorithms and analytics can derive some incredible insights that go a long way in helping improve farm profitability in New Zealand.

A wide variation in profitability exists between farmers across New Zealand. Beef and Lamb wanted to understand what key attributes make the top 10% farmers …

Visualising trends and patterns across millions of alarm logs every month

Advanced Analytics Custom Analytics + Software Solutions Data Visualisation + Reporting Solutions

Control Rooms are constantly inundated with thousands of network alarms. With overwhelming amounts of alarm data, determining root cause and priority amongst the noise is a challenge. Data visualisation, machine learning and advanced analytics can help address these challenges.

To improve alarm management and resolution, a large electrical infrastructure company needed a quick and visual way to identify, analyse and prioritise trends and patterns …

Going from 1 to 50 Data Scientists with Harmonic

Advanced Analytics Data Science Team Development

Recruiting the right data science talent can be a challenge but it is not the only path to increasing your data science capabilities. In this case study, we look at how a large energy sector operator successfully upskilled existing staff by working closely with Harmonic.

A large Australian energy sector operator wanted to develop its internal data science team capabilities to improve forecasting accuracy, the automation of analytical processes, and …

Shift Optimisation for Air Traffic Controllers

Advanced Analytics Custom Analytics + Software Solutions

Helping Airways New Zealand maximise the value and application of their data – and plan for the future.

As part of their roster planning process, Airways wanted to confidently and efficiently model a set of optimal shifts for air traffic controllers given numerous …